Archive 2016
Dunton News is produced in the village and distributed to every house in the village Copies are also available in the March Hare or you can read it on this site. Here is the Summer 2016 edition
JULY 2016: THE COMMUNITY GARDEN: Had a busy weekend recently! On the Friday there was a stall at the school Fete. On Saturday a coffee morning at the garden and on Sunday a stall at the village Fete. The Community garden really is part of village life. Don’t forget that it never closes so you are welcome to go there any day dawn till dusk, Why not take a picnic? No need to book unless you want to meet one of the team there to be shown round or buy produce. You are welcome to just take a look and be lazy! Or you can arrange to help with maintaining this great village resource. There are now Tuesday evening sessions as well as the usual daytime ones. Please check the trolley at the school on Mondays and Wednesdays for fresh produce. The volunteer committee met recently and there are plans for more events including monthly coffee mornings and and a camping weekend. More details are at or call 01767 313898.
July 2016: DUNTON VILLAGE FETE: The Dunton Village Fete was a great success thanks to excellent weather and much hard work by all participating. The organisers would like to thank all members of the Committee for their efforts over the past year to provide this event and the many helpers who enabled things to run smoothly on the day.
The Raffle provided 14 prizes, and the organisers thank the sponsors for their donations, which they hope they in turn will lead to additional business.
As well as the fun events a number of stalls provided a variety of products and opportunities. For the many children novelty races were run by Trudie Malloy, providing plenty of excitement for both competitors and spectators.
Fete information was provided with many humorous additions by Stan Short over a sound system kindly provided by Glynis Keech.
The Committee hope that the enjoyment shared by so many will encourage more to join them to plan for an even bigger event next year. You can always contact Arnold Bone on 01767 315350 if you are interested.
DECEMBER 2016: Dunton News is produced in the village and distributed to every house in the village Copies are also available in the March Hare or you can read it on this site. The Christmas 2016 edition is HERE